Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Just Keep Swimming...

 In my mind, and probably most Americans, it was absurd for the weather people to name the newest winter storm Nemo.  Really people?  Disney already has a lock on this name.  Although it did make the storm feel a little more personal since it was named after my dear friend Nemo. 

 I've said it before and I'll say it again northerners panic really easily.  I can say that because I'm a northerner now and I bought into the hype of Nemo.  That's right I'm ashamed to say I walked through the empty isles and stood in the 45 minute grocery line.  I was prepared.  I was so prepared I got up early went into work early to get things finished and high tailed it out of there all before 9 am.  Then you know what happened?  NOTHING!   It wasn't until late Friday night that the snow hit and as I sat at home feeling foolish for taking the Nemo bait I watched the weather channel push back Nemo's arrival time and lower the amount of snow we were estimated to get.  They originally called for 12-18 inches.  We ended up with 8.  Nemo may not have come through as ferociously as anticipated but our weekend was a whirlwind.... which was music to my trapped inside the house soul!

After an early and long morning of shoveling Brian and I went on a hike.

Levi turned one (today but his party was Sunday)!  This was bittersweet. I promise I'm happier than my picture says I am.  So glad for modern technology although I would have preferred to be there in person. 

 The sun doesn't shine often here.  I wish I was being dramatic but I'm not.  So when it is out that means you get out!  So why not clear the ice and play a little hockey.  

 We had a lot of shovels and a snow blower.  I must confess I was completely terrified about walking on the ice.  I saw the Lassie episode where Timmy fell in the lake... there are no Lassie's around here if I go down.  After I got used to it I had fun running around, operating the snow blower (that's right I ran the snow blower), and throwing snowballs. Warning: Lindsay played softball... she will hit you with an absurd amount of accuracy and force (glad she likes me, haha).

 It was larger than a regulation size rink so it took the whole afternoon.  Sadly because it took so long we couldn't actually play, haha.  I wasn't too bummed though because we were off to something else!


 The Prinzings so graciously (Brian forced them, haha) invited us to their annual Chinese New Year celebration.  They adopted one of their daughters from China and so each year they celebrate the New Year.  It was so much fun.  A LOT of good food, amazing company, and fireworks.  Their daughter Oakley is showing off her sparkler skills in the above pic

 This last picture is just for fun.  Surprisingly the swingset is still standing.   

It was a good weekend.  In addition to all the other things we got into Brian and I have started serving at the church we attend.  We are ushers... passing out bulletins and talking to everyone (my kind of gig!).   We are super excited to be a part of this church family.  Grace Community OC is growing leaps and bounds and the teaching is done so well.  We are right smack dab in the middle of a series called Rumors of Another World, check out their sermon podcasts here 

Tonight Brian and I are heading to a minor league hockey game, my first hockey game ever.  I can't wait for all the fights, sad but true.  Enjoy your Tuesday. 

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