Thursday, April 4, 2013

Trust Issues

Here lately I have discovered that I have some major trust issues.  It isn't with Brian.  It isn't with people who I am getting close to here in the community.  It isn't with family.  It is with the weatherman.  I have tracked it back to  Phil.  Punxsutawney Phil that is.  It all started with him.  He came out of his little hole and predicted that spring was right around the corner. 

My heart leapt! My bones aches!  My toes screamed with excitement for flip flop weather.  Then each day passed and my heart hardened and I knew.....

He.  Had.  LIED!

The damage has been done and  I am not sure how I will get past it but today offers a real glimmer of hope.  The snow is gone.  Did you hear me?  THE SNOW IS GONE.  People listen this is monumental!  The forecast is calling for a high of 52!  The sun is out and I think the best part is that the remainder of the near future is calling for 50s!

My heart is becoming less heavy.  My shoes are containing less and less material and my scarves are being worn less frequently.  (I'm not even sad about the last one which is how you know I mean business!)

Today.  Thursday.  Offers a glimpse and a hope of what is to come.  Things are being made new here people.  Things are being made new!

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