Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bright Ideas

I'm notorious for my bright ideas.  It is simple really I think that all ideas are good ones.  There are only a select few that initially get nixed.  Most make it to the heavy analyzing round and then I can really crank out a lot of great ideas.  The thing is every idea is great until it actually happens.  Usually my great ideas involve some sort of hair change.  I've had a lot over the years.

My first quasi pixi cut- aka Dorothy Hamil

The successful pixi. Probably my all time favorite hair cut

Dark Hair... it left me still questioning why I am not in family photos only to have my dad point me out  with dark hair
Bob and bangs!

Long blonde

The longest (extensions)

The below photo is what left Becca and I thinking darker and shorter last night at 11pm.  Really there were a lot of warning signs that maybe an idea at 11pm isn't one I should follow through on the next day.  I should have probably waited a week or two till my hairdresser had an appointment open.  Hindsight!
Natural hair color with highlights
 I didn't want to cut my hair, although she cut it... and I didn't want to go super dark... but she went there too.  What do you think?


Bethany E. Ward said...

Love the length! I may have to get used to the dark? It looks pretty!

Kathy said...

love it! but now i'm wondering is the "she did it" might also be referring to becca going darker?? or shorter?

Nathan & Sarah said...

ooo,I like it! You'd look great bald Adrienne.